Set along the Macleay River, with a backdrop of the iconic Kempsey bridge, ‘BIG LALA’ displays a light-hearted and playful narrative of vulnerable flora and fauna endemic to the Macleay Valley Coast. Pictured here are the White-Flowered Wax Plant, Swamp Orchid, a Green and Golden Bell Frog, Koalas, and Kingfisher. There is also a hidden nod to Smithtown’s Milo factory with the milo cans used as up-cycled plant pots.
The mural is a celebration of the beauty of Australia’s rich biodiversity and beauty discovered in the day-to-day. My hopes for the work is to evoke feelings of connection, optimism and wonder for our natural landscapes and the fauna that inhabit them. This work is commissioned as part of the Savages Lane Mural Project curated by Creative Community Projects for Kempsey Shire Council.