Gathering of the Finches & A budding generation
The story behind the mural shows a flurry of finches, the endangered Black Throated Finch, the Gouldian finch and the Diamond Firetail finch that congregate in abundance at their favourite watering hole. The scene is inspired by the idea of gathering (an extension of togetherness and belonging) and what an ideal, prosperous and healthy environment and home could look like for them, mainly a haven.
Among the questions asked at a workshop hosted to aid the design of the mural, we asked ‘what warms the heart? And if one could change the world, how would they change it?’ The parallel theme 'A Budding Generation' shows an imaginary world made up of a selection of subject matter that came from the workshop responses. The act of giving, the need to care for our natural world, hot air balloons, a fondness of sunsets, canoes and an appreciation for the land we live on were among some of the answers. The bloom of the Waratah, Blue-gum, Wattle and Banksia are also natives that represent the house colours of GEPS.